Call for symposia
Call for Symposia has ended.
Call for Symposium Applications
We invite you to contribute to an exciting program for the ISBF2025 conference, centered around the theme: “Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Biofabrication: Challenges and Breakthroughs for a Healthier Future.” The majority of the scientific program will be organized into symposia based on topics suggested by ISBF members. Therefore, we encourage you to submit your ideas for symposia at ISBF2025 in all areas of biofabrication, from the latest developments in biomaterials and bioinks to cutting-edge fabrication technologies and their medical applications.
Symposia requirements
Each symposium will be 90 minutes long and will consist of either two 18-minute keynote presentations and five 8-minute oral presentations, or one 18-minute keynote presentation and seven 8-minute oral presentations. Each presentation will be followed by a 2-minute discussion. The keynote speakers should be proposed in the symposium proposal, while the oral presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts.
Each symposium must have a main applicant and, optionally, a co-applicant. A symposium Chair and Co-Chair should be indicated in the proposal. An additional Co-Chair will be suggested by the Early Career Researchers Committee. The Chairs can be the same individuals as the applicants. It is recommended that the Chair, Co-Chair, and applicants do not serve as Keynote Speakers.
We strongly encourage symposium organizers to consider diversity in terms of gender, nationality, and career stage when proposing speakers.
How to Submit an Application
Proposals must be submitted by main applicant using ISBF2025 template of Symposium Application Form (link below). Please complete all details, saved as Surname_ISBF2025_Symposium2025, and submit via email to, with the subject line: “Surname – ISBF Symposium Application 2025.”
Deadline for Submission Application
The deadline to submit your application is January 15th, 2025.
Evaluation of the Symposium Proposal
The symposium proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: (i) relevance to the conference theme, (ii) novelty, scientific impact, and educational value, (iii) relevance to industrial and clinical applications, and (iv) diversity of the groups represented.
Once a symposium is accepted, the applicant(s) will be notified by email by January 3rd, 2025. ISBF2025 reserves the right to merge similar symposium proposals or cancel a symposium if a sufficient number of abstracts is not received. The symposium chairs and their respective keynote speakers must confirm their registration, pay to attend the conference, and commit to chairing the symposium or giving a talk no later than July 4th, 2025.
Financial Support for Symposia
Due to budget constraints, ISBF2025 will not provide any financial support to symposium applicants, chairs and keynote speakers to cover travel, accommodation, or conference registration costs. Applicants and keynote speaker(s) should agree in advance on who will cover these expenses.
Rooms and AV equipment
The ISBF 2025 conference organizers will provide standard conference rooms and the necessary AV equipment. Any additional materials or equipment required will be the responsibility of the symposium organizers.
If you have any questions regarding symposium organization, please contact us at